  • Students
  • Instructions
  • Lightning Talks
  • Observations
  • Code Dashboard
  • CS3281&2 Website
  • Instructions for Updating this Website

    This repo/website is for hosting information about the students in the module, to be maintained by CS3281&2 students collectively. It is maintained as a separate repo because students need write access to it.

    General Instructions for Updating This Repo

    While this site uses MarkBind, you can use normal markdown syntax for your updates (MarkBind is compatible with Markdown).

    All your files are in a students/* sub-folder that is named after you e.g., students/johnDoe. Update the info.md file in that folder with your basic info. After you have pushed the updated files to the repo, your info should appear automatically in this page, possibly after a lapse of a few minutes.

    If you want to preview the generated site for your changes, there are two options:

    1. Install MarkBind, use the markbind serve command to generate the site locally, and ensure the output is as you intended.
    2. Create a PR, and use the Netlify PR preview to check how the PR updates the website.

    Updating Your Basic Info

    • Update a profile photo named photo.png to your folder. Naturally, as the purpose of this photo is for others to identify you, you should choose a recent individual photo showing your face clearly (i.e., not too small) -- somewhat similar to a passport photo.
    • Update other info in the info.md file in your folder.

    Updating Your Project Progress

    Update the progress.md in your folder periodically, at least once every two weeks.

    Week Achievements
    1 Reviewed PR: PR name 1 #1234
    1 Merged PR: PR name 4 #3245
    2 Submitted Issue: Issue name #223
    2 Authored PR (put on hold by request): PR name 3 #365
    2 Responded to contributor queries: #1234, #4567
    Week | Achievements
    ---- | ------------
    1 | Reviewed PR: [PR name 1 #1234]()
    1 | Merged PR: [PR name 4 #3245]()
    2 | Submitted Issue: [Issue name #223]()
    2 | Authored PR (put on hold by request): [PR name 3 #365]()
    2 | Responded to contributor queries: [#1234](), [#4567]()


    • The page is for CS3281 work only (i.e., contributions to our own internal projects)
    • PR-related contributions: Report only when a PR is merged (or it's finalized in some other way e.g., abandoned)
    • Past PRs can be claimed in future weeks, but not the other way around.
    • Report each significant achievement in a separate row. You may aggregate multiple minor achievements in to a single row.

    Updating the Process Observations Page

    Update the observations.md page in your folder with your observations from the external projects.